Here these nice fellows come over because their owners did not wont them anymore or died, or simply, drive them away as not required anymore.
As well we would like to introduce you to there true nature, so that you learn to appreciate the cleverness, wisdom, coolness, humor, patience, love, power, self control, faithfulness, strength of character, and much more, they got.
And to cancel for good the bad image they got since ever but definitely do not deserve.
This Blog is dedicate to the donkey world,and we hope you find pleasure and fun visiting our blog and that your interest will be waked up.
And, you shall know that they got more fans all around the world you would ever think.
By the way, take the opportunity to catch a glimpse on how gorgeous is our Island.
Εδώ αυτά τα φιλαράκοια έρθουω επειδή τους ιδιοκτήτες τους δεν εχουν πλέον την ανάγκη τους ή πέθανε, ή απλά, τους διωχνουν όπως δεν απαιτείται πια.
Όπως καλά, θα θέλαμε να συστήσουμε η πραγματική φύση τους, έτσι ώστε να μπορείτε να μάθετε να εκτιμήσουμε η εξυπνάδα, Σοφία, ψυχρότητα, χιούμορ, υπομονή, αγάπη, ενέργειας, self έλεγχος, αξιοπιστία και αντοχή του χαρακτήρα πολύ περισσότερα, κέρδισαν.
Και να διαγράψει την κακή εικόνα που ανέκαθεν ήχαν, αλλά σίγουρα δεν αξίζουν
Αυτό το Blog είναι αφιερώσω στον κόσμο γάιδαρο και ελπίζουμε ότι μπορείτε να βρείτε αναψυχής και διασκέδαση που επισκέπτονται το blog μας και ότι θα είναι ξυπναει τον ενδιαφέρον σας.
Και, να ξερετε οτι εχουν περισσότερα ανεμιστήρες ολόκληρο τον κόσμο οτι να μποριτε να φανταστιτε.
Και να επωφεληθώ της ευκαιρίας να ριξτε μια ματιά στην ομρφια της νησί μας.
Vorremmo qui anche far conoscere la loro vera natura, così che si impari ad apprezzare l'intelligenza, saggezza, freddezza, umorismo, pazienza, amore, potenza, controllo di sé, fedeltà, forza di carattere e altroche possiedono.
E cancellare la brutta immagine che hanno da sempre ma certamente non meritano.
Questo blog è dedicato al mondo degli asini e ci auguriamo che trovate piacere e divertimento visitandolo e che svegli il vostro interesse.
Sappiate che in tutto il mondo hanno più tifosi di quanto sι possa immaginare.
E non perdetevi l'ocsione di dare un occhiata alla nostra stupenda isola
4 sono deceduti sia a causa dell'età o per motivi di salute.
Potete informarvi sotto "D profile"
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