Heidi age 35, ✝ 4.12.2010

She was my very first donkey in spring 2006, she belonged to an old farmer from the village in Eresos who did not need her applications anymore as the family got Pick-up's and Tractors, she spender her days alone tide up on a tree in a property up in the hills of her old owner, she used to have a companion, but these could still live next to the home of the farmer as still needed as means of transport for the old man.
So the two of them where always separate
For a few months Bouba came to live with us, but then she got called for working in the mountains of Agra and had to go, Heidi suffer a lot.
But fortunately, by chance, Peter came in in the very same day and a big love story begging, they were a happy couple
He used to live close to the Metochi Moastery, tide up as not needed for working that much anymore, just once a year during the harvest of olive and for the transport. of wood
He joint us for the Summer 2010 and got resident in June 2011, he was in good company whit he's fellows, and he definitely enjoy to live in this family, from 2012 like Afrodite he was coming so old, they got thee extra food, but where happy.
February 24 at 10 we let Afrodite go to her last journey.
As I went in the stable a 7.30 she was again on the ground I injected her Voltaren and Neurobion but it was useless- with the neighbor we got her up and out - but she was clearly to week she couldn't stay on her feet and she had injured badly one leg trying to get up earlier - for her an agony would had begin.indeed.
One day, in spring 07, we got a call that since two weeks a withe donkey is walking around the village of Eresos, her owner, who we never figurer out who it was, drived her away. It was easy to catch her, it seemed she was happy somebody takes care of her.
Until the vet cameI stand by her making her comfortable living an quite intense moment - he just confirmed my decision and as he said the first shot to make her fall asleep was enough and she passed away without the need of the final shot
Rest in peace my sweet baby-girl
It was a Saturday, a friend trope by and saw her, this friend came back a week after and she said it is incredible how the donkey lady changed in this few days, she used to have such a depressed expression.
Afro turned out to be a very funny pet, she likes to make jokes, pushing you from behind and wen you turn around she looks away, and it really seams she is giggling. We now, every time somebody pushes from behind, it's her.
She is very close to Charlotte.
The first singes he give the 31 of December in the afternoon and also if vet came soon and he got very quik treated he did not recover. He came to us, also in spring 07, from his owner, one day a old farmer dropped by asking me if I would take he's donkey, he can't keep him anymore.
Oscar was not in a good a shape, on he's legs and shoulder, until the face he had no fur, it toked a long time to figure out what was the matter, only in spring 2010 thanks to the book of the donkesanctuary.uk we find it out that the matter, it was the "sweet inch" a summer allergy to the spit of a fly, problem how many equines suffers.
We choose a bio-chemical therapy with witch he totally recovered and passt the following summers free from this trouble.
He liked to run of when ever he could take a chance , a little rebel, but a very cute one, he just likes freedom, nothing badIn spring 2012 he found a very god fellow on Pegasos when he came in, the two of them where playing, running, fighting a lot; poor Pegasos he missed Oscar a lot

He was also tide up -if not working, his hole live, and so he spend his first day walking around and around in the new place, he noticed only the next day Heidis presence.
He was a very funny and sweet guy, he loved cuddling and making jokes to the others, he seamed always smiling; but he used to take life slowly, when the others run around he just watch amused, he was an old champ, but in good health until he died, but a week before, he toked-off and despaired, I found hem only the next day, was like he went for a tour before he lived behind this world.
With Heidi he was very nice, the where always together, a perfect couple.
Gavrilos: age 14, ✝ 9.11.2010
He has been found from the guys from de "Achladerì Farm" in Achladerì, on the road to Polichnitos, walking up and down the road. He was in a very bad shape, with extremely long grown hoofs, limping as he's left leg were injured and his spinal column was like en S, he was also a bit to thin, he seemed a old guy. He joint us in July, he got his hoofs done and the vet saw him, he prescript him Equipalazone Oral Powder indicated in the treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, which he receives, twice a day mixed in a delicious Müsli whit oats, banana, yogurt and olive oil, he gets also he's extra portion of corn or figures or else, he got physiotherapy. It got better for some time, but then he had colics, he went worse again.
The 9. of November 2010, in agreement with our vet, I decided to release him from the pain through euthanasia.
Cassandra: 20 -✝ 2.2.10
She was with us for only 6 months, a farmer from Xerolimno, close to Kalloni' did bring her in august 2010, she wasn't in a good shape, unhappily I did understand to late that she was suffering from diabetes.
One day, we were out for walking and to graze, she was lying down for resting when suddenly she got up and took straight ahead the road back home, she went in the stable, lied down and did not get up anymore, she died after a few days with her head on my arms.
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